Product Blog

Chainguard Image now available for Redis

Dan Lorenc, CEO

Redis is one of the most versatile and popular databases available, and today we’re announcing that Chainguard Images has added Redis 7 to our collection. Our Redis image is built on Wolfi, our Linux (un)distribution, making the images minimal, secure-by-default, and up-to-date. They’re also based on glibc, making them compatible with most other applications and extensions.

All Chainguard Images are hardened using most common industry benchmarks and frameworks, for Redis, this means we:

  • Run as a non-root user

  • Only include necessary packages

  • Scan the images continuously and rebuild for security updates

In addition to the standard scan/rebuild process, Chainguard builds all dependencies from source. This means we don’t have to wait for upstream patches to become available, we are the upstream. We can also mark CVEs that are not applicable in our images as invalid directly in our security database, which is automatically ingested by most major container scanning products.

A meme of a man tightening his tie. Text reads, "You apply patches from upstream. We are the upstream. We are not the same."

The end result is a small, hardened container with fewer CVEs than the other options. The numbers speak for themselves – the Chainguard Redis image comes in at just 13.3MB, which is nearly a 71% average size reduction from most other Redis images available today.

$ docker images --format="{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}} {{.Size}}" | grep redis
cgr.dev/chainguard/redis:latest 13.8MB
bitnami/redis:latest 95.4MB
redis:bullseye 111MB
redis:alpine 30.3MB
rapidfort/redis:latest 23.3MB

A bar chart showing the size (in M B) of different Redis container images.

In addition to size reduction, our Chainguard Image returns zero-known CVEs when compared with other Redis images.

trivy image cgr.dev/chainguard/redis:latest
2023-01-04T13:26:39.189-0700	INFO	Vulnerability scanning is enabled
2023-01-04T13:26:39.211-0700	INFO	Detected OS: wolfi
2023-01-04T13:26:39.211-0700	INFO	Detecting Wolfi vulnerabilities...
2023-01-04T13:26:39.214-0700	INFO	Number of language-specific files: 0

cgr.dev/chainguard/redis:latest (wolfi 20221118)

Total: 0 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

To further put this into perspective, one of the scans we completed on a Redis image uncovered a total of 79 known vulnerabilities.

As always, the binaries in our Images are built from source and come with comprehensive and SBOMs from the start. These SBOMs contain the package metadata for everything in the Image and can be used for vulnerability scanning or license compliance. You can download the SBOMs for these containers with cosign:

$ cosign download sbom --platform=linux/amd64 cgr.dev/chainguard/redis | head -n 30

  "name": "sbom-sha256:4bf530ff855641e4e6a0032f53232be8e92c2fe9ef8b808ebcffe92517888c93",
  "spdxVersion": "SPDX-2.3",
  "creationInfo": {
    "created": "2022-12-29T14:56:39Z",
    "creators": [
      "Tool: apko (canary)",
      "Organization: Chainguard, Inc"
    "licenseListVersion": "3.16"
  "dataLicense": "CC0-1.0",
  "documentNamespace": "https://spdx.org/spdxdocs/apko/",
  "documentDescribes": [
  "files": [
      "SPDXID": "SPDXRef-File-/bin/busybox",
      "fileName": "/bin/busybox",
      "licenseConcluded": "NOASSERTION",
      "checksums": [
          "algorithm": "SHA1",
          "checksumValue": "61a21d1bd4325626ae2b9d4d62f326aa81232b71"
          "algorithm": "SHA256",
          "checksumValue": "82f9f0eb346c1e0e3c23178d55da6ed52e5fbf66930691a88f83ed87b18061fa"

If you want to see upwards of an 87% reduction in your Redis Image sizes with more security built in by default start using Chainguard’s Redis Image today at github.com/chainguard-images, or get started with our Redis image using documentation in Chainguard Academy. Chainguard Images are now available for Bazel, curl, Git, Go, Jenkins, Postgres, Ruby and more. We currently offer our public Chainguard Images catalog for no cost to users, which includes features like SBOMs, signatures and SLSA Build Level 2 provenance information. If your organization requires patching SLAs, older version support or Images for compliance requirements, we offer Standard and Custom subscription tiers. Contact our team to learn more.

We are always looking for ways to improve our end user experience. If you have feedback or would like to submit a support issue you can reach out to us directly or file it here.

Update on our Chainguard Images Catalog: On August 16, 2023, we will be making changes to how Chainguard Image tags are pulled. Please see this announcement for further details about accessing our free, public Image catalog.


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