• 1. The OpenSSL Software Foundation addressed this vulnerability by checking DSA parameters for excessive sizes before validating to avoid overly long computation of various validation processes.
  • 2. Chainguard promptly distributed patched software for 358 affected Chainguard Images and foundational packages such as libcrypto3, libssl3, openssl, openssl-config, openssl-dev, and openssl-provider-legacy.
  • 3. The patched versions were flagged as "Fixed" in Chainguard's security advisory feed for scanners to pick up the updates as soon as possible.
  • 4. Once the patch was applied to the OpenSSL package, Chainguard bumped the epoch (internal versioning count) up one count, triggering the propagation of the patched software onto all subpackages dependent on OpenSSL and all images built with any of these packages and subpackages.