Security Blog

Get Smart in Five Minutes: Is your software supply chain secure?

Will Dolinsky, Content Specialist
Thumbnail for Get Smart series episode titled What is software supply chain security?

You wouldn't bake a cake with spoiled eggs, right? So why would you build software with risky components? Welcome to the world of software supply chain security.

The chain reaction

Remember container images? Those handy bundles that make your apps portable and reliable? Well, they're just one link in a complex chain called the software supply chain. And like any chain, it's only as strong as its weakest link.

Episode 2: Software supply chain security

In this episode of Get Smart in 5 Minutes, Sandy Deason and Dan Lorenc dive into the murky waters of software supply chain security. You'll uncover:

  • The hidden risks: How seemingly innocent software components can harbor hidden vulnerabilities, putting your entire system at risk.

  • The open source dilemma: Why relying on open-source software can be both a blessing and a curse.

  • Attackers' new playground: How bad actors are increasingly targeting the software supply chain, not just the end product.

  • Protecting your supply chain: What steps you can take to secure your software supply chain, from understanding your inventory to choosing better-maintained components.‍

Expert insights from Dan Lorenc

Dan Lorenc, the co-founder and CEO of Chainguard, shares his expertise on:

  • Why software supply chain security is more critical than ever.

  • How to balance the benefits of open source with its inherent risks.

  • The importance of proactively managing your software inventory.

Ready to fortify your software against supply chain attacks? Join Sandy and Dan in Episode 2 of Get Smart in 5 Minutes for a crash course in software supply chain security. Watch it now. ‍

Stay tuned!

More Get Smart in 5 Minutes episodes are coming soon, tackling the hottest topics in software development and security. Subscribe to Chainguard’s YouTube channel and get ready to level up your container security knowledge.


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