Product Blog

Chainguard and Datadog’s New Partnership: Actionable Insights and Observability Come Together

Sam Katzen, Staff Product Marketing Manager, and Sourabh Katti, Senior Product Manager

As the specter and real world impact of software supply chain attacks has grown in prominence, organizations recognize the need for security to “shift left” within their software development lifecycles. The mandate to reduce software supply chain risk has become a board-level problem, but the ownership of that outcome doesn’t just fall on one function.

We frequently hear from our customers how building secure-by-design software involves both engineering and security teams collaborating, with both personas benefiting from greater observability and insights into the other's KPIs and priorities.

That visibility is especially critical when risk reduction initiatives impact other board-level concerns like getting products to market quickly. Simply put, enterprises need to manage risk without sacrificing the product velocity and performance crucial to driving revenue.

As Chainguard’s minimal container images become more widely adopted, we’ve heard from platform and infrastructure teams how critical it is to gain visibility into which Chainguard container images are being deployed across their infrastructure, the progress they’re making in replacing their existing images, and understanding how to prioritize which images to focus on next.

Thanks to a new integration with Datadog, our joint customers will have that context and visibility through a new Chainguard dashboard they can easily implement in their Datadog environments.

A Holistic View of Container Infrastructure, Risk, and Actionable Insights

Joint customers can view the dashboard through their Datadog consoles by searching for “Chainguard” within the Dashboards page. Here's a guided tour:

The dashboard includes a variety of modules covering container infrastructure performance and visibility, as well as Chainguard-specific overviews.

The Chainguard dashboard creates a centralized view within Datadog for security and platform teams to evaluate container security prioritization and progress.

Going deeper, customers can immediately see specific Chainguard containers running and view the longest-running containers within their environments.

For customers leveraging Datadog’s Cloud Security Management product, the dashboard will highlight the containers with the highest number of vulnerabilities, providing insights into the most widely adopted and most at-risk containers.

It’s also possible to see where Chainguard container images could be used to lower that risk, swapping out those high-value, high-risk containers for trusted, zero-CVE Chainguard containers.

Visualize progress on Chainguard image coverage and identify high-value opportunities to convert to zero-CVE container images.

Customers can directly link to the Chainguard console from within the dashboard and view the image in question. Using the Chainguard CVE Visualization tool, customers can go a step further to see how alternative open source container images for their given containers stack up with the Chainguard container images that were recommended within the Datadog dashboard.

Customers Benefit from Reduced Risk and Optimized Engineering Resources

Chainguard and Datadog’s integration can help our joint customers benefit from reduced risk across their application surface area while providing a clear understanding of prioritization and progress in implementing zero-CVE container images. For security teams, it means having a clear line of sight to both risks and container impact, identifying and prioritizing CVE remediation in their most widely deployed and high-risk containers. Engineering teams leveraging the dashboard can track their progress in implementing Chainguard container images, recouping countless hours they would have spent patching one-off containers. For the business as a whole, the dashboard’s observability and actionable insights can reduce their risk and increase their developer productivity and velocity.

As Chainguard and Datadog continue to partner closely, we expect to see a number of enhancements and new insights we can deliver to our customers, ultimately helping them build better software.

If you are interested in learning more about this partnership, please reach out!


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