
Overcoming Vulnerabilities in Hardened Container Images

Could containers, a useful and increasingly indispensable building block of the cloud, actually be a double-edged sword? Our research reveals a troubling reality: most popular container images contain numerous vulnerabilities (CVEs), worsened by software bloat and slow updates. Despite some progress, the quest for secure-by-default containers remains largely unmet.

Join us to explore key findings from our survey of container image security:

  • Popular images often have many CVEs due to excess components and infrequent updates.

  • Updating and "de-bloating" images only slightly reduces vulnerabilities.

  • Even trusted sources' images can have significant CVEs.

The potential for minimal, hardened container images with low-to-zero CVEs is within reach. Discover how Chainguard Images, built from the Wolfi Linux distribution, offer fast updates and CVE patching, setting a new standard in container security.